Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Reading Week 2

I'm sorry I did not post this sooner (though you have the syllabus).
For this week's class you should have:
1. Re-read Chapter 2, of the Hirshleifer text, and started Chapter 3.
2. Read R.A. Radford's The Economic Organization of a POW Camp. This is a very important reading!!!!
3. Reading #18 from the BBG reader is long and a little complex. You may want to read this a few times over the next several weeks, since it will make more sense each time.
4. The Puzzling Questions of Vital Concern... is the first chapter from Henry Grady Weaver's The Mainspring of Human Progress. This book was one of a small handful which motivated me to pursue Economics. It is recommended, but not required.
5. You may skip the BBG reading #14. I have just looked at it again and there's too much religious language.

1 comment:

  1. The Economics Organization of a POW Camp online here
